Wednesday, 24 December 2008

General Members' Meeting - Maidstone Nepalese Community

Dear all Members,

As per Maidstone Nepalese Community's draft costitution a General meeting is to be held once a year. By taking advice of Executive Members of committee it is decided to held this meeting on Sunday 25 of January 2009 at MCSC Marsham street. The meeting minutes will include - a brief report on 2008, Constitution, Treasurer's report, Property report (whatever we have purchased specially music items), committee and the future. I would like to request all the members to spare a few hours of your precious time to attend this meeting and spread this message to all Gurkha Nepalese members settled in this area. Ladies and youths are integral part of the community so the members of Nepalese Ladies and Nepalese Youth Group are also requested to attend this meeting. I hope it will be significantly efficient new committee if the executive members consist of all; Ladies Gents and Youths.

Date: Sunday 25 January 2009
Time:1530 to 1800
Place: MCSC Marsham Street, Maidstone

With best regards
Mr Ratnakumar Limbu

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