Saturday, 27 February 2010

Equality & Diversity Seminar

12th March, Kent Fire and Rescue Service organised a seminar 'Equality & Diversity'. Nearly 2 dozens of fire officers from different parts of Kent took part in the event. Mr. AM Adam opens the event and highlight the importance of working closely with the community. Phil Bendall described about the risk of fire and safey faced by seasonal migrant workers. Dinesh Khadka; PR of Maidstone Nepalese Community highlighted about MNC and explained the opportunities and difficulties of the community. Furthermore Mr. Khadka pointed the importance of building the relation with local authorities such as Kent Fire and Rescue Service. Alisa Paton gave a comprehensive information about domestic violence and methodology of its analysis and way of prevention and reporting. Chris Caswell touched on the subject of National Disability Fire Association and Dyslexia awareness. Furthermore Carol Wiles talked aobut Deaf Awareness programme.
The seminar did sum-up the importance of community involvment with the fire authorities.
MNC felt this nature of seminar does play an essential role bridge the relation with the local authorities for the future mutual benefits.
MNC thanked Graham Day who played a significant role to organise the event and expressed MNC look forward to working the KFRS in the future.

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