Thursday, 12 March 2009

Their Past Your Future launching

Maidstone Museum carried out project naming ''Their Past Your Future'' funded by National Lottery, was lauched tonight. The war veterans took part in the project revealing their past experiences at war both bitter and memorable! Madan Gurung and Badri Rai representing Gurkhas veteran volunteered to record their voice and telling the young interviewers about their war experiences.

Mayor of Maidstone was also present there. Representing MNC Mr. Ranta Limbu, Mr. Hari Gurung, Mr/Mrs. Jhapat Bhujel, Mr/Mrs. Badri Rai, Mr/Mrs. Madan Gurung & Mr./Mrs. Dinesh Khadka attended the launching programme.

MNC would take this opportunity to thank Badri Rai and Madan Gurung for their effort, hardwork and contribution to make the project success.

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